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Webinar – Health Information Exchange: Are Behavioral Health Providers and Agencies Welcomed?

Learn the Why’s Behind HIE, Health Information Exchange

Join The Echo Group in our free webinar titled “Health Information Exchange: Are Behavioral Health Providers and Agencies Welcomed?” This discussion will focus on the value of HIE, the current state of the HIE network(s), how does or will behavioral health data fit into the paradigm, and what does the future look like.

Upon completion of this webinar, attendees will be able to:

  • Define HIE
  • Determine the value of HIE
  • Understand the challenges with including Behavioral Health Data

Our featured speaker is Suki Norris, JD, the Senior Knowledge Engineer at The Echo Group. This one-hour, online presentation has already taken place, but you can view the recorded version (and other presentations) at

This event is made available by the Institute for the Advancement of Behavioral Healthcare.

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