PowerTalk: Reactive to Proactive CQI
Applying Echo Dashboards to the Task of Improving Data Quality and Service Value
Even if you have an aversion to terms like “data,” “dashboard,” “quantitative analysis,” or “pivot table,” don’t be intimidated. Using your data does not have to be complicated. Simply stated, data is useful information that you collect to support organizational decision-making and strategy. There are many advantages to making good use of your Echo data, but improving quality is first and foremost among the reason’s agencies should be using data.
By providing insights that allow you to measure progress and learn about your clients, services, and processes, your Echo data can enable you to take action to improve the quality of your services and thus the lives of your staff and those you serve.
Power Talk Objectives
- Review the new dashboards in EchoVantage.
- Learn how to use dashboards to rethink and restructure the data you are collecting in Echo.
- Learn how to get the most out of your data by incorporating visualizations of data throughout your CQI process.
- Review features available through Microsoft Power BI, the tool used for EchoVantage dashboards.
Watch the webinar to rethink and restructure the data you are collecting in Echo through the use of dashboards.
Proactive CQI PowerTalk On Demand
From Reactive to Proactive CQI: Applying Echo Dashboards to the Task of Improving Data Quality and Service Value